SL240 TRIO-CTN 3/4″
3-function compact water filter: 2 sleeve filters (100 µm and 25 µm) and 1 activated carbon filter to improve the taste and eliminate the odours. Flow rate of 0.5 m³/h.
3-function compact water filter: 2 sleeve filters (100 µm and 25 µm) and 1 activated carbon filter to improve the taste and eliminate the odours. Flow rate of 0.5 m³/h.
Replacement sleeves for domestic filters. Supplied in packs of 5 units. Fineness available from 1 to 300 µm. (the item number corresponds to the fineness 25 µm).
Coconut extract. Bag of 3.4 litres: 6 cartridges refills for NW 25 CTN, 3 for NW280CTN, 2 for NW 32TE, 1 for NW500TE ( new recyclable packaging for PMD-waste).
Same wall mounting for domestic filters, supplied with 2 screws and 2 rings. It has 2 positions for attaching the filter (near or far).
¾" filter head of the Smart Line range (conical thread).
For a quick and watertight connection of 2 filter heads SL ¾". Supplied with 2 o’rings.
Sealing joint for the head of the domestic filters NW 18-25-32 + SL 160-240.
Provides a long-lasting and ideal lubrication for all O-rings and threads of all CINTROPUR filters. Approved for food use. Content: 20 g.
Dismantling key for domestic filter bowls of the SL range.
To be fixed on the top of the filter sleeve support. It generates the cyclonic effect of the incoming water flow.
Cylindrical sleeve support with reversible direction for mounting the vane and the cap. The vane is mounted on the thickest side.
Ensures a perfect sealing of the sleeve on the filter support.
Cartridge filled with activated carbon.
Empty CTN cartridge for activated carbon. Capacity: 0.57 litres.
Transparent bowl for a permanent visual control of the filter screen congestion.