Our solutions

Clear water for every use

CINTROPUR provides the solution of a clean water for the installation, whatever the purpose of this filtered water for domestic, collective, industrial or agricultural use.

CINTROPUR removes all impurities suspended in the water (soil particles, sand, rust, etc.).

With connections from 3/4″ to 3″, flow rates from 1 to 32 m³ and max. operating pressure from 8 to 16 bar, CINTROPUR filters can be used in a wide range of applications.

The sleeves used on CINTROPUR filters have a fineness of 1 µm up to 300 µm. This corresponds to the size of the holes in the filter screen, 1 µm is equal to 0.001 mm.

The temperature of the treated water is max. 50 °C. Therefore, our filters cannot be used on very hot water.


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